Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mississippi, home to federal government's official stash of marijuana

On the campus of the University of Mississippi marijuana is grown, processed and sold by the federal government. The stockpiles that have represent the only pot source that can be used for research. However, researchers can't get it without the approval of the Drug Enforcement Administration Administration to say it's okay. The pot can only be used for medical purposes. The National Institute on Drug Abuse is also represented and must sign of too. Some researchers complain that getting the approval is unreasonably and tough for the scientists that are trying to find beneficial purposes of the uses of the drug. Under the federal law this drug is classified as a more dangerous substance than cocaine that has no medical use. The DEA guards the stockpile as if it were plutonium. Scientists had noticed that they have to find a way to get around and get an approval. However, he doesn't dare to bend the rules because he depends on the DEA. In 2007, a DEA administrative law judge ruled that the University of Mass. should also be able to grow their own pot, but top officials didn't agree. The farm on this university remains a source of great interest.

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