Thursday, May 29, 2014

Congress member tries to run again

This year many veteran lawmakers are retiring from their position in Congress. However, the oldest member is trying to battle to serve another year. Texas Rep. Ralph Hall who in this month turned 91 faces John Ratcliffe who is 48 in a primary runoff election Tuesday in the northeast Texas seat. Hall led the Republican field in the March 4 primary election, but failed to win an outright majority to avoid a second ballot. Ratcliffe is a former local mayor and a U.S attorney.Prominent tea party-affiliated groups have endorsed Ratcliffe, arguing that conservatives need a fresh face in Washington. But Hall, a former Democrat, says no one has opposed the Obama administration more vigorously and wants the chance to fight the president's policies for another term. Turnout is expected to be very low in the runoff vote, which comes after a long holiday weekend. Statewide, Republicans are also voting in a bitter runoff battle between sitting Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and state Sen. Dan Patrick. He is determined to win this election because he wants to serve one more term before he retires.

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