Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Arkansas Ban on Same-Sex Marriage

On Friday the Arkansas Supreme Court without any explanation stopped the issuance of marriage license to same-sex couples by granting a request to stay lower court ruling that had invalidated all laws banning gay marriage. There have been millions of gays and lesbians that have gotten married already. Judge Chris Piazza ruled that the ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional. With this said he left 75 county clerks confused, leaving some with the will of issuing marriage license to same-sex couples, however others refused to do so. Now that Arkansas is off the table only 17 states and the District of Columbia have legalized same-sex marriage. Attorney General Dustin McDaniel said he will defend the desire of voters who established the same-sex marriage ban in the state constitution despite his own personal belief that marriage occurs between a man and a woman. The courts have issued a stay however, people didn't like this because it would take the lgbt community a longer time to gain the same rights as opposite-sex couples. To this day it's still unclear what Arkansas will decide.

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