Thursday, May 29, 2014

Immigration Delay

On Wednesday the White House's surprise decision to delay a review of deportations has once again revived the immigration debate. The focus has shifted from President Obama who has increasingly come under fire from immigration law advocates as the "deporter in chief" and throwing the issue back to the House Republicans. It said that by delaying a planned Department of Homeland Security review of deportation until August of this year it gives the House an opportunity to pass a reform bill before the midterm election. Secretary Jay Carney said that they wouldn't want the review to create a reason or an excuse not pass or act. The Republican leaders were fine with Obama's overture. John A Boehner, House Speaker of Ohio, said that this delay shouldn't be viewed as a "concession"to Republicans, but instead as Obama's responsibility to uphold existing laws. House Republicans don't want to pass any immigration laws because they don't trust Obama to enforce the ones already existing. This leads Obama to take executive actions. At the end either House Republicans will serve up immigration legislation by August or Obama will argue he had little choice, but to act o his own Democrats portray the GOP as unsympathetic to immigration communities.

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