Thursday, May 29, 2014

Cut Down in Troops

Obama is planning to have 9,800 U.S troops in Afghanistan after the U.S ends its combat mission this year. He's cutting the number by almost half by the end of 2015. By the end of 2016 the U.S will draw down to "a normal embassy presence with a security office in Kabul as they have done in Iraq. On January 2015 the troop levels will be on track for what the Pentagon has requested in the last few months. It said that the presence of 10,000 troops is necessary for protection training, counterterrorism and intelligence gathering. The drawdown schedule would bring U.S troop levels down to below 5,000 by the end of 2015 which is what many people in the Pentagon favored. There has been criticism of how Obama has dealt with the situation in Syria, Ukraine, and anywhere else. By cutting down the number of troops in Afghanistan will serve to get the people's attention on a country that is already stable.

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