Friday, May 2, 2014

Alley Clean Up

Meredith Watts has been calling the city's Bureau of Sanitation to clear up the alley of her home where she once lived. If she doesn't call the people don't come to clean up. She says she remembers being able to play in the alley when she was a kid. But now all the alleys are piled up with trash and not sanitary. Now there is a plan to spend more money to try to clean the alleys up. Mayor Eric Garcettie proposed to spend $5 million to try to straighten the alleys up. However, people believe that this amount of money won't be enough to do so. So Los Angeles lawmakers want a systematic citywide solution to help do the work. The City Council on Wednesday set up crews that will go clean up the places that are in the most need. They alleys before used to be cleaned up by the Bureau of Street Servies, but money was eliminated for them. The estimated amount to clean most of the trash is between $25-$30 million, however, money is still tight so they plan to only use a small portion of this.,0,1247352.story#axzz30aQIafGs

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