Thursday, May 29, 2014

Harvard professor's super PAC aims to end power of super PAC

Harvard professor's  at Harvard University have been developing a variety of questions that have gather the attention of many people in the U.S. The first question developed was, " if it would be able to create a super PAC that would end the power of the PAC and get enough Americans into the system to limit the influence of money in politics?" . The second question was," if it were possible to get voters excited about a subject as dry as a campaign finance?". In order for the professors to test out the questions, one of the professors named:  Lawrence Lessig asked Americans across the political spectrum who believe the current political system is legally corrupt. The result ended up being that they thought the government is not responsible for the average American but instead responsible for the rich people that help fund the country. The general idea is that the public doesn't like how the system is run. However people don't seem to put interest in changing the way the government is formed. In my perspective people should be aware of the research that is done especially by this Harvard professors. If people are always protesting how they don't like the way the government is run they should raise their voice and speak up rather then leave all the issues to the rich people that help fund the government in the United States. Having a voice to speak about the issues you think are wrong is very important especially living in a country where you are able to have the freedom of speech and expression.

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