Thursday, May 29, 2014

Conservative Tide Continues to Ebb Particularly on Social Issues

In the past four years there has been a shift that could harm GOP prospects in the future elections. On social issues the number of people who consider themselves liberal is equal to the ones that consider themselves conservative. About one-third of Americans will identify with either group, they don't have specific group that they side with. The other third call themselves moderates on social issues. Recently in 2010, conservatives had a 17-point advantage over liberals on social issues in Gallup's polling. A similar shift has taken place on economic issues even though  the conservative advantage remains bigger in that realm. Just as a rising conservative tide helped Republicans in 2010, a waning one if it continues could pose problems for the party in future elections. Republican strategists already worry about the gap separating the party from black, Latino and Asian American voters, and an ideological gap would add to their burden. The change there is in party identification does prove some clues to voting patterns.

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