Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gov. Brown signs 2 of 3 bills prescription drug abuse

Governor Brown said that he supports the idea of requiring coroners to report prescription drug deaths to the medical board. However, he vetoed it because of the cost. On Friday he signed two bills that aimed towards the abuse of drugs. The third bill however, he vetoed it, this could have helped the state’s medical board identify the doctors who are irresponsible and have prescribed pills to their patients that eventually died. This all started because many people were dying because of the prescribed pills by doctors or overdose suicides. People were happy about the bills because they would give” authorities better tools and broader powers to crack down on problematic doctors.” Governor Brown said that he vetoed the bill because it made an “unfunded mandate for the state, potentially in the millions of dollars.” All of these bill signing was to help and stop those doctors that prescribe pills to people that eventually kill them. This required money so they need to work on the economy first in order to make change.,0,6850019.story

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