Monday, September 16, 2013

New protections for minors using the internet

This past Friday there was a measure approved by the senate and it was sent to the governor about new protections for minors. The bill prohibits the marketing of certain products which include guns, bullets, dietary supplements, alcohol to minors, and bars the compiling of personal information provided by underage Internet users for marketing by third parties. Senate Darrell Steinberg said that this measure will also protect those teenagers who post something on the Internet which later they regret. The bill states that all websites in California will have to have something that allows a young teenager to remove the post so a third person won’t be disturbed. However, this measure was opposed by the Center for Democracy and Technology who prefer the open use of the Internet. What they say is that this measure may cause confusion and ended up leaving minors with less Internet access. They also say that this might discourage the development of new content and services for young users. Not only that, but popular websites that are appealing to teens won’t be able to be accessed by them anymore.,0,6525019.story
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