Sunday, January 12, 2014

Immigration Bills

The speaker of the House John A. Boehner is trying to make immigration laws his priority. He said on Wednesday that he will soon release a document of conservative “principles” on the immigration issue that would make the Republicans pass a series of bills this year. However, Boehner is facing a lot of challenges because there are a lot of parties that are conservatives. The house Republicans oppose to the fact of giving citizenship to about 11 million immigrants who are here in the U.S illegally. It is very clear that this is not a choice the Republicans can make; it’s something that is set and will actually happen. Although the document is kind of vague it is clear that this will really help the immigrants. The document is the first step that GOP leaders are taking to consider other immigration documents by April. There are certain Republicans that are on Boehner side and do support him.,0,5532597.story#axzz2pyZCEwjw

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