Sunday, September 22, 2013

Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex marriage is a huge controversial topic among many people. Not everyone supports same-sex marriage because they think that it’s wrong for people of the same gender to love each other and get married. However, times have changed and now more people have an open mind about this topic. The world itself is now experiencing changes for same-sex marriage couples, in the sense of having more rights for same sex couples. Same sex spouses who are military members are suppose to be getting health care, housing, and other benefits by the end of August  by the Pentagon. This however, doesn’t apply to gay couples whom are not married they would not be getting the same benefits. Another huge change that has come is the fact that same-sex marriage is legal so now people of the same sex whether it’s two men or two women, have the right to get married. Not every single state has made it legal for same sex couples to get married. When it comes to same sex marriage or couples no every state has the same rights or benefits for these people. The Marriage Act says that it prohibits federal government to recognize a marriage if it’s not that between a man and women. This was overturned in late June when the court said that married gay couples should be recognized under the federal law, not only that, but same sex marriage in California was to be resumed. This didn’t mean that somewhere else in the country were they legalizing same sex marriage. Still not everyone supports these changes that have or are yet to come people are still fighting to get the rights that these couples deserve. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if someone marries someone from the same sex because they are still human beings and deserve the same rights as everyone else has. People can still expect more changes for same-sex couples to come. 
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