Monday, March 31, 2014


The time to apply for Obamacare is coming to an end. By Monday 03/31/14 everyone who wants to benefit from Obamacare must have applied by then. After this the question is what to do with the people who failed to enroll or those who weren’t eligible. Many of these people are poor or undocumented. There are some counties that are ignoring this issue and are leaving it up to the free clinics there are. However, Los Angeles is trying to set up some type of health care system for them, but is not sure how it will look like or will be funded. Every Tuesday they will meet up to talk about this system and see how it will be funded and if this will actually help the people. It I estimated by UCLA and UC Berkeley researchers that 3 to 4 million people in California will still be uninsured 5 years from now even after the Affordable Care Act is in effect. There are doubts that this plan will get far.,0,706064.story#axzz2xbcxHt36

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