Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Affirmative Action

The issue of Affirmative Action started coming up in January. Senators passed a measure that if approved would ban the affirmative action California has on higher public education. However, there were worries from the upper class that there will be no more space for their children because of the minority groups. In 1996 a law was passed that forbids the state to consider race, ethnicity or gender in hiring, contracting or admissions to public institutions of higher education. People say that there are some groups that are not well represented because they don’t make that much of the population. The Chinese community is the ones who are talking more about the whole affirmative action situation. The senator wanted to make sure that the concerns of Asian Americans before doing anything. Several lawmakers in the assembly opposed the proposal. None of the proposals of Hernandez have never been enacted, he has only talked about them.  

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