Monday, March 31, 2014

Increase in Tax

There is a plan to increase the sales tax on things to help repair the damaged roads. The plan is to increase half-cent on the sales taxes which will produce $4.5 billion in 15 years. Increasing the tax is the only way to help repair the damage roads there are in Los Angeles. Public transit people are voicing out their worries because they worry that a city tax increase could jeopardize their proposal for a countywide sales tax for transportation projects. It’s said that if voters approve this in November the tax rate within Los Angeles’s city limits would go up to 9.5 cents on every $1 of retail sales. On Wednesday there will be hearing to talk about to see if people agree to increase the tax. If so, this will appear in the November ballot. However, most people think it’s better to go with the transit tax because it would be more beneficial.,0,5346445.story#ixzz2xbj5KFEO

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