Sunday, January 26, 2014

Not Defending Gay Marriage

On Thursday newly elected Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring announced a voter-approved ban unconstitutional and said that his office will no longer defend gay marriage. Although the state will continue to enforce the already existing laws he said his office would join sides with two gay couples that sued to overturn the ban. Herring said that this was a violation of the 14th amendment and that the law was discriminatory. The decision made makes Virginia the key battleground between the Democrats and Republicans. Virginia has always been on the side that loses civil rights cases. He said that the people have always had to make their own stand fighting for civil rights while their leaders stood against them, but this no longer was the instance. The suit is trying to overturn all the bans that are on gay marriage and want it to be legal. People didn’t expect Herring to hurt their; they wanted the law to be upheld.,0,7591917.story#axzz2rYXwr6WK

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