Sunday, April 13, 2014

Medical System In Prisons

For many inmates that were/are serving a sentence in jail don’t really get any medical treatment. The jail system had a poor medical system for these inmates however; the state’s prison did something about this so the federal people would get off their back. California has a $840 million medical system which would provide care to more than 1,800 inmates. In July they opened the state-of-the-art California Health Care Facility. However, there was miscommunication and mismanagement between the medical staff and the prison. It wasn’t only that they weren’t getting medical care, but also not shoes, soap, or towels. Many complains arose and the inmates lawyers were the ones to voice them out. Prisoner’s advocates were fighting to help the inmates because some weren’t even allowed to shower. Now there has been change for these inmates and now have some kind of medical care. The state Corrections Department is in charge of the general custody and Kelso is in charge of the $1.7 billion a year prison medical care system.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Supreme Court

California’s Supreme Court is expected to have some change. For many years the Supreme Court has been dominated by Republicans. However, this might change because Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to change this if he is reelected. Two of the most powerful judges who are conservatives are now in their late 70’s. Gov. Brown of replacing them with the people he wants although it’ll take a couple more replacements to fully change the court around. Brown faces political pressure and many people are saying that he will pick a Latino. The court has never had an African American or Latino judge before. Some say that it wouldn’t be a surprise if he elected lawyer James Humes who is openly gay. For more than two decades the court has only had one democratic appointee. Brown may want to create a court that is interested in the ideas behind the laws as well as practical results.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Affirmative Action

The issue of Affirmative Action started coming up in January. Senators passed a measure that if approved would ban the affirmative action California has on higher public education. However, there were worries from the upper class that there will be no more space for their children because of the minority groups. In 1996 a law was passed that forbids the state to consider race, ethnicity or gender in hiring, contracting or admissions to public institutions of higher education. People say that there are some groups that are not well represented because they don’t make that much of the population. The Chinese community is the ones who are talking more about the whole affirmative action situation. The senator wanted to make sure that the concerns of Asian Americans before doing anything. Several lawmakers in the assembly opposed the proposal. None of the proposals of Hernandez have never been enacted, he has only talked about them.,0,2270777.story#ixzz2xc4vmq5o