Sunday, February 16, 2014

Concealed Weapons

In San Diego sheriffs will continue to review applicants for permits which will allow them to carry guns. “Despite a court ruling that struck down California’s concealed weapons statute, the San Diego county Sheriff’s Department” will continue to give out permits to those who meet the standards. People will continue to apply for permits and then those applications will be reviewed to see whether they’re capable of carrying a concealed weapon. On Thursday the ruling by a “three-judge panel of the 9TH Circuit Court of Appeals found that the statute, as applied by the San Diego department, was overly restrictive and violate the 2nd amendment”.  Those that don’t meet the standards will be denied their permit.  Many people in the San Diego area support this ruling and don’t have a problem with it. For example, Tony Kravic, a republican, tweeted his support for the ruling that was made on Thursday.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

West Hollywood Rainbow Flag

On June 2013 there was a rainbow flag that was hung above City Hall. Now the West Hollywood City Council has responded to a growing criticism of the removal of that flag. The flag will be removing, but there will be a compromise. In order for the flag to be moved, there will be another flag hung that incorporates rainbow colors into the city logo. In a last week meeting the council members agreed to this change. On January the flag was removed due to a unanimous vote by the council. As soon as the flag was removed they got complains from the residents because 40% of the people living there identify themselves as gay or lesbian and four the council members are gay men. The new flag that will have a rainbow city logo, this logo is already displayed on city vehicles and on the vehicles of Los Angeles County sheriffs’ deputies in the West Hollywood Station.